Citizen Responsibilities

drawing of man sitting on bench in a park reading a newspaper. A U.S. flag is flying behind him.

As far back as elementary school, I remember teachers telling kids that we, as citizens of the United States, had responsibilities to ourselves and the country. I know that a lot of people would prefer to avoid politics and political topics altogether. I get it. Politics is frustrating, angering, annoying, and at times boring (ever try to read a policy proposal? I highly recommend them if you have insomnia and don’t want to take any drugs). But we as adult citizens have a responsibility to keep this country running as well as possible, oppose bad policies, and most importantly, we have a responsibility to pay attention so that we are fully aware of what is going on with our politicians and institutions. It’s our responsibility to pay attention and stop them from going off the rails.

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Demonization and Segregation

It’s a thing among hard-core political partisans to demonize and “other” (to use the language of the left… ostracize, unperson) their opponents and anyone who even hesitates to go along with their ideas. The left, with their capture of the major news outlets, is very good at demonizing, othering, ostracizing, unpersoning, and segregating all those with whom they disagree, dislike, and otherwise want/need to silence and do away with.

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Creating Monsters

A generational temper tantrum is occurring. There’s been a lot in the news lately (well, at least on the sites that I read. I don’t know if the mainstream media has said much) about childish adults throwing soup on Van Gogh’s sunflowers and gluing themselves to the wall of the museum, or gluing themselves to a street in Paris, or gluing themselves to other paintings, and other stupid, senseless, and destructive gestures with far less cool and panache than the brothers of Delta House. But they’re out there, throwing temper tantrums.

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Defining Terms

With the election of Giorgia Meloni as Italy’s new prime minister, the terms “fascist” and “fascism” are being tossed around even more than they were when Trump was president. In almost every case these terms are wrongly defined. Reading all the ignorant garbage “reporting” about Meloni and her “far right-wing” party with its “fascist” ideology, has brought out the political science professor in me. For those who don’t know… yes, I have a Ph.D. in political science. I spent over twenty years teaching college students about not only the American political system, but about political systems throughout the world and over the last two hundred years or so. I worked hard to be this pedantic and sarcastic.

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Wishful Thinking and MASSIVE Projection

The Left has, once again, lost their ever-loving minds. Or rather, deliberately destroyed whatever is left of their minds. The levels of projection and wishful thinking are astonishing. And when I say wishful thinking… they are wishing for a dystopian future in which they, somehow and against all odds, become the radical, system-busting heroes. They all seem to imagine themselves as Katniss in Hunger Games or Tris in Divergent, or Offred in Handmaid’s Tale, or whatever other female heroine fighting the good fight against always-oppressive men and society. It’s so freaking stupid and self-centered. I invite them to go live in Saudi Arabia where women were not allowed to drive until very recently. There they can see for themselves what a society that truly represses women really looks like.

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The Veracity of Polls or Is It Really Putin’s Fault?

Are polls an accurate view of American public opinion? This morning I ran across a story touting an ABC/Ipsos poll. Titled “Most Americans blame Vladimir Putin, oil companies for high gas prices: POLL”. The opening paragraph states: As politicians spar over who’s to blame for recent increases in gas prices, a large majority of Americans say oil companies and Russian President Vladimir Putin are major culprits, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds. This statement closely follows the current White House and Democratic party lines that oil companies are once again greedy and it’s all Putin’s fault anyway.

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Celebrating Women?

As we enter the last week or so of Women’s History month, I find myself, once again, deeply disappointed at the weakness and failure of the so-called women’s movement. All the goals that were fought for, tooth and nail, in the 1970s are being tossed away by today’s uber-sensitive, uber-woke, anti-women “feminists.” The controversies surrounding Lia Thomas and US Swimming are just one example. The loud, vocal feminist groups, those who claim to support women, have kicked biological women to the curb in their rush to support transwomen… including biological men, who do nothing more than call themselves female and take hormones to lower testosterone levels so that they can compete against biological women in sports where men have their own teams. Women’s groups are pointedly and loudly ignoring the fact that, once again, men are shoving women out of the arena.

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These People Are Desperate

The Guardian published an opinion piece on Sunday in which they stated “…there is a danger that the battle for Ukraine may divert attention from the approaching climate change crisis.” Seriously?? There’s a war on, there are approaching a million refugees entering neighboring countries, and you’re worried that the war is a distraction? That is sheer desperation on the part of those who planned to pivot us all away from Wuflu and on to climate change. Then Putin, that bastid, stuck a monkey wrench in their plans and invaded Ukraine. The nerve!

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Insurrection or Astroturf?

Tomorrow I expect to hear and see much wailing, gnashing of teeth, sackcloth, ashes being strewn about, moaning about the “state of democracy”, calls for stronger gun control, calls for bringing back the “sedition” part of the Aliens and Seditions Act. All of which is designed to get the average “I just want to live my life” American to wring their hands, bemoan those awful racist Republican Trumpists, and vote straight Democrat tickets next election.

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