
“Good God. Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?” I muttered.

“What did you say?” Zeke asked.

“Nothing. I just don’t like spiders,” I replied.

“Yeah, me neither. But let’s deal with it now.” Zeke rubbed the back of his neck, staring at the large box in front of us. “You ready?”

Continue reading “Spiders!”

Wishful Thinking and MASSIVE Projection

The Left has, once again, lost their ever-loving minds. Or rather, deliberately destroyed whatever is left of their minds. The levels of projection and wishful thinking are astonishing. And when I say wishful thinking… they are wishing for a dystopian future in which they, somehow and against all odds, become the radical, system-busting heroes. They all seem to imagine themselves as Katniss in Hunger Games or Tris in Divergent, or Offred in Handmaid’s Tale, or whatever other female heroine fighting the good fight against always-oppressive men and society. It’s so freaking stupid and self-centered. I invite them to go live in Saudi Arabia where women were not allowed to drive until very recently. There they can see for themselves what a society that truly represses women really looks like.

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Morning Surprise

Kyra stared at the sun, peeking over the top of the eastern mountains. If the sunrise was any indication, it was going to be a wonderful day. If she could just fly up into the glory of the sunrise… Kyra sighed and with one last glance over her shoulder, turned and walked through the back door of the Dragon’s Tale tavern. She could have stayed outside and watched the sunrise for a bit longer – she was the boss after all – but she had a lot of prep work to do for the day before opening for the lunch crowd. And she was in for a long day as she was going to have to be there until closing tonight. She really needed to hire a new manager.

Continue reading “Morning Surprise”