Could You BE Any More Totalitarian?

The Biden Administration, via Homeland Security, is creating the dystopian-themed and named Disinformation Governance Board. This should scare the crap out of all critically-thinking people. This thing proves that the Progressive Left in this country (and elsewhere… I’m looking at you, Canada) read 1984 and its Ministry of Truth as a “how-to” guide as opposed to a dire warning.

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The Veracity of Polls or Is It Really Putin’s Fault?

Are polls an accurate view of American public opinion? This morning I ran across a story touting an ABC/Ipsos poll. Titled “Most Americans blame Vladimir Putin, oil companies for high gas prices: POLL”. The opening paragraph states: As politicians spar over who’s to blame for recent increases in gas prices, a large majority of Americans say oil companies and Russian President Vladimir Putin are major culprits, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds. This statement closely follows the current White House and Democratic party lines that oil companies are once again greedy and it’s all Putin’s fault anyway.

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Celebrating Women?

As we enter the last week or so of Women’s History month, I find myself, once again, deeply disappointed at the weakness and failure of the so-called women’s movement. All the goals that were fought for, tooth and nail, in the 1970s are being tossed away by today’s uber-sensitive, uber-woke, anti-women “feminists.” The controversies surrounding Lia Thomas and US Swimming are just one example. The loud, vocal feminist groups, those who claim to support women, have kicked biological women to the curb in their rush to support transwomen… including biological men, who do nothing more than call themselves female and take hormones to lower testosterone levels so that they can compete against biological women in sports where men have their own teams. Women’s groups are pointedly and loudly ignoring the fact that, once again, men are shoving women out of the arena.

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Things are coming unraveled for the Left and their willingly blind followers. This is the funniest, most out-of-touch quote I’ve seen in a while and that’s saying something, given what we’ve been hearing from Brandon and his minions. From the NY Post: “Board of Supervisors president Shamann Walton had slammed the recall effort as being pushed by ‘closet Republicans and most certainly folks with conservative values in San Francisco, even if they weren’t registered Republicans.’”

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Afflicting The Comfortable

Reporters and journalists like to say that their job is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” That’s a nice, pat, rather condescending way of describing something that in the last couple of decades they don’t actually do. If you’ve been paying attention (and I know you have) you have noticed that the journalist crowd likes to bully those who dare to disagree with them (their definition of “the comfortable”), and present political opponents (their political opponents) in the worst possible light.

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Dispatches From Small Radical Fringe HQ

Greetings from the far edge of acceptable. Or as we identify: Rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. Here at Small Radical Fringe we are downing our coffee while coming up with ever more unacceptable ideas and arguments to run against the global political and cultural elites. Among our current projects are supporting truckers protesting against vaccine mandates (SRF would like to remind everyone that anti-mandate and anti-vaccination are not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination) required by the US and Canadian governments for crossing the border.

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Banned Books?

There’s another kerfuffle rolling around and that is about supposedly banned books. I’ve seen a number of FB memes extolling the virtues of reading banned books and listing books that seem relatively innocuous (which is by design because those creating the lists want you to be surprised by the stupidity of those doing the banning) to most people. However, as with the term “anti-vax” getting thrown in the face of those who are anti-mandate, the term “banned” really has no meaning when you realize that anybody can take that list of books to Amazon, or down to their local Barnes & Noble, or their public library and find and buy or check out every. Single. One.

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Truckers, Speech, and Pushback

There are several things going on in the last few days that are making me laugh. There’s a huge convoy of trucks making its way across Canada to Ottawa to lodge a protest with (now fled) Prime Minister Justin “I like partying in blackface” Trudeau. Prior to fleeing Ottawa (yes, he really did) for a “safe” location, Trudeau commented that many of those in the convoy have “unacceptable views.” I’m kind of curious what specific views the PM believes are “unacceptable.” Could it be because they disagree with his policies? Is that unacceptable? Is disagreement with progressive/liberal/left/Democratic (in our case) politicians unacceptable?

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Friday Thoughts: Mandates

The Biden/Xiden/FICUS administration issued an Executive Order (EO) a while back saying that OSHA would make a rule that required private businesses employing 100 or more people to require their employees get vaccinated or tested weekly and wear a mask. Another EO (or maybe the same one, they all run together at this point) additionally required all health care workers in hospitals and clinics accepting Medicare/Medicaid had to be vaccinated. These came in as two separate cases to the Court. Obviously, the genius club running the White House didn’t consider the constitutional issues accompanying such orders (I’m not even going to start on what I think about EOs). Plus, they’re still going off of the “everybody has to be vaccinated or the vaccine won’t work” fallacy.

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