The Veracity of Polls or Is It Really Putin’s Fault?

Are polls an accurate view of American public opinion? This morning I ran across a story touting an ABC/Ipsos poll. Titled “Most Americans blame Vladimir Putin, oil companies for high gas prices: POLL”. The opening paragraph states: As politicians spar over who’s to blame for recent increases in gas prices, a large majority of Americans say oil companies and Russian President Vladimir Putin are major culprits, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds. This statement closely follows the current White House and Democratic party lines that oil companies are once again greedy and it’s all Putin’s fault anyway.

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Book Review: Odd Magics: Tales for the Lost

Odd Magics, by Sarah A. Hoyt, is a collection of classic fairy tales reimagined as short stories set in the modern world. They don’t quite follow the original story, but those who know their fairy tales will quickly figure them out. Sarah Hoyt has given us a collection of stories that are quirky and fun and take you out of your head for a short while. The entire book is a quick read that will give you a lift and inspire you to look for the magic in everyday life.

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For Love of the Boot

Lately I’ve been thinking a bit about the people who insist that the US maintain all the Wuflu ridiculousness that has been “required” for the last two years. These are people who scream that they’re never patronizing their favorite restaurant again because it no longer requires masking inside. They still scream about social distancing. They double-mask when in stores or other public indoor spaces, they wear gloves when out and about. They’re still freaking out about friends and family who are not vaccinated. It’s as if they’re afraid to take up their previous lives again.

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Market Day

Coming in at the last minute with my prompt today. I got caught up in editing Magic Abroad and only got to the prompt now. This week at More Odds Than Ends, my prompt came from Cedar Sanderson: They call the wench Mariah. The word “wench” sent me back to Davan, Ubinta, and Pyldraras. This is just a snippet that came to mind. I’m not sure where it would fit in, if it even does (as something other than a bit of background). I’m not sure where we’re going with Davan and Pyldraras, but I guess we’ll find out.

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Celebrating Women?

As we enter the last week or so of Women’s History month, I find myself, once again, deeply disappointed at the weakness and failure of the so-called women’s movement. All the goals that were fought for, tooth and nail, in the 1970s are being tossed away by today’s uber-sensitive, uber-woke, anti-women “feminists.” The controversies surrounding Lia Thomas and US Swimming are just one example. The loud, vocal feminist groups, those who claim to support women, have kicked biological women to the curb in their rush to support transwomen… including biological men, who do nothing more than call themselves female and take hormones to lower testosterone levels so that they can compete against biological women in sports where men have their own teams. Women’s groups are pointedly and loudly ignoring the fact that, once again, men are shoving women out of the arena.

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Title IX and Women’s Sports

On June 23, 1972, Congress passed, and Nixon signed the Education Amendments of 1972. Within that law was Title IX which reads: No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The act was designed as a follow-on and clarification/expansion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was not specifically written to apply to women’s high school and college sports, but the failure to equally/proportionally fund women’s teams was challenged under it, and the challengers won.

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