Odd Magics, by Sarah A. Hoyt, is a collection of classic fairy tales reimagined as short stories set in the modern world. They don’t quite follow the original story, but those who know their fairy tales will quickly figure them out. Sarah Hoyt has given us a collection of stories that are quirky and fun and take you out of your head for a short while. The entire book is a quick read that will give you a lift and inspire you to look for the magic in everyday life.
Here’s the blurb for the collection:
This is a very strange collection of fairytales, recast for modern life. In it the prize isn’t always to the fairest, the magic is rarely to the strongest. But lonely introverts do find love, women who never gave it a thought find themselves at the center of romance. Doing what’s right will see you to the happily ever after. And sometimes you have to kiss an accountant to find your prince.
These stories started as quick story posts on her blog, “According to Hoyt.” A number of blog commenters asked for more each time one appeared and thus was born Odd Magics.
Fairy tales were designed to be cautionary tales, sometimes morality tales, sometimes joyous tales. They were meant to teach lessons and give examples of how to behave and how not to behave. They showed us that not only did evil exist, but that it could be defeated. These reimagined, odd, tales show us all that and more.
No matter how hard we try to organize our lives and follow a plan, whether ours or somebody else’s, it seems that life always finds a way to do what it will. What do you do when your grandmother’s caretaker calls to tell you grandma is looking for her glass slipper and you find it? Can a mortal step into fairyland and find true love? Can an immortal hide and try to ease his loneliness by working as an accountant?
If you look at the world from a slightly different, some might say odd, angle, you will greatly appreciate these fairy tales told from a slightly different angle. Even if you don’t look at things from an odd angle, you will enjoy these stories.
Fun, hopeful, quirky, and yes, happy endings. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Odd Magics: Tales for the Lost is available on Amazon.
I’ve just started reading it, in odd bits of time.
The singular-frog aspect of The Rain of Frog seems familiar, but I can’t quite put a finger on it. Tom Holt, maybe?
Actually, the general impression so far is vaguely Tom Holt-ish, NTTAWWT. All good fun, in little pieces that can be read on a fragmented schedule.
This collection of short stories is the best work Ms. Hoyt has done to date. “Rumple” was lovely. All of them were. I’ve enjoyed her other work, but something about this collection is, well, oddly magical. Do yourself a favor and read them.