Frauding their way to victory…

Or so they think. 2:00 a.m. ballot drops, all of them for Biden (statistically impossible), allegations of backdating mail-in ballots, not allowing Republican count observers in the halls where the ballot counting is taking place, and lately my fave…ballots recorded as returned before they were even sent to the voter. That last one is in Pennsylvania, natch. Yet the major networks and newspapers refuse to even mention anything about fraud except to say that there is none and that any and all allegations of it are false.

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Gumming up the works

My Week 45 prompt over at More Odds Than Ends came from Leigh Kimmel. I couldn’t figure out a way to work it into Cursebreaker, so I came up with this. The prompt was: It was supposed to be a simple hard drive swap, in and out. When the tech opened the robot’s casing, what he saw inside made him yell for the big boss to come and take a look. And in our usual trade, my prompt went to Leigh.

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So, here we are in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. Yes, aftermath. Despite the mainstream media’s hiding it to the best of their ability, there was a great deal of fraud in this election. Ballots showing up in the middle of the night (e.g. 2: 00am) and every single one of them a Biden vote. That’s simply not statistically possible. People I know who only read/watch the mainstream sources are sincerely telling me there was absolutely no fraud. Funny, since they would be screaming their heads off if this were the other way around. Larry Correia has a great post unraveling the fraud (updated and expanded) Election 2020: The More Fuckery Update. I highly recommend you go read it.

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Cursebreaker Part 23

Okay. So I caught up on my prompts. This is my response for Week 44 at More Odds Than Ends. I’m still feeling a bit out of sorts, but better than the last week or so. Writing or editing every day is helping. I’m also starting to plot out a new short story today and I’m going to start working on putting this Cursebreaker thing into some sort of coherent order. When I first started it with the prompts, I used the prompts as sort of scene set-ups. Then I started putting them into a serial format. So, I need to figure out a story arc and fill in the gaps between the pieces I do have. It feels like a series, or at least a series of books within this universe. I’ll have to see where it goes.

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Cursebreaker #22

This is a very late response to Week 43 of More Odds Than Ends. It’s been a strange couple weeks. Not really anything I can put my finger on, but I’m out of sorts. If pushed, yes, the election is having an effect. The continued restrictions on activities, and normal life continues to grate. That’s getting tiring. Also, our moving plans are not going according to plan. I believe that I am dealing with that one pretty well. Finding a job – a job that you want no less – is difficult in the best of times. And these are most certainly not the best of times. You’d think that retreating into story-telling would get easier under such circumstances. Surprisingly, no, it isn’t. At least so far. I think that if I simply start writing, I will find myself back in the groove.

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If anyone asks me why I voted for Trump on 2020, I am going to point them to this ad. A couple weeks ago some guys in California put up a Trump sign on the hills above the 405 freeway, near the Getty Museum. LA County officials took it down, even though it was on private land, under the guise of “it disrupted traffic”. Flimsy excuse. Then they made this video of putting the sign up and overlaid a Trump speech. The results are fantastic.

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Hold my beer

A while back I read Scott Adams’ book How to Fail At Everything And Still Win Big. It’s a discussion of how he went from lowly engineer in a cubicle at PG&E to creator of one of the most popular and successful comics (Dilbert). In the book he talks a lot about having a system, rather than goals. He argues that a structure or system for your life will be better in the long run than some big goal sitting out there on the “someday” horizon. In other words, have a system for your days, weeks, months. So, get up. At least put on workout clothes because that will feel like you’re going to work out and you will be more inclined to do so. If you put the goal of working out everyday on your calendar, you’re putting unnecessary stress on yourself. Instead, just get up and put on the work out clothes. That’s the system.

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Can’t stop the signal

Glenn Reynolds, a.k.a. Instapundit writes a regular column for USA Today. This week, for the first time, USA Today refused to run his column. He posted it in its entirety on Instapundit and it’s also now up at PJ Media. Because censorship is vile and must be fought at every turn, I am also reposting Glenn’s column below. As Mr. Universe said in Firefly, “You can’t stop the signal, Mal.” Keep the signal going.

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Cursebreaker Part 21

I missed sending in a prompt for Week 42 at More Odds Than Ends, so I picked up one of the spares. The prompt I chose was: The architect who specialized in designing hidden rooms. I was looking for one that would allow me to easily insert it into the Cursebreaker story. I think I know where this story is going now and I’m going to be working on finishing it up. That is…I will after I wrap up Book 2 in the Academic Magic series (at least get draft one finished), and finish and submit two short stories. I am busier than I was as an academic and I don’t even have any grading or prep to do! At the same time, I am extremely grateful to be this busy and to have avenues opening up in front of me. It has been amazing to discover this creative streak in myself that I never knew existed before. So much fun!

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