This morning as my husband and I were having our coffee and talking about the news (yes, we’re nerdy that way), I commented that what we are looking at in the U.S. is an attempt at dynastic rule by the Democratic party. The current heads of the Democratic Party are attempting to set things up so that there will always and forever be a Democrat in power in the White House, and Democrat control of both chambers of Congress. When you remember that Democrats are convinced that they hold the moral high ground over Republicans, you can see why they think this is a necessary thing (even if the rest of us strongly disagree). The Democratic party is a cross between a classic monarchical dynasty and a mafia “family.”
Continue reading “A Democratic Mafia Family Dynasty”I am rubber, you are glue
Childhood is filled with rhymes and jingles that are easily remembered and designed to help us grow a sense of self-confidence. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is one. The other that’s been running through my mind recently is “I am rubber, you are glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” Both of these little jingles should be kept firmly in mind these days.
Continue reading “I am rubber, you are glue”Our Flexible, Malleable Media
The current Biden mainstream media sycophants are changing their stories on a daily basis to protect the current administration and they are counting on the American public to not notice. It’s getting very tiring and I don’t know how or why anybody still believes them. I mean, the stories change openly and radically.
Continue reading “Our Flexible, Malleable Media”The Greater Good
I get really twitchy when somebody tells me they are doing or saying something to me for my own good. I am a fully competent adult, thankyouverymuch, and I can make my own decisions. I get even twitchier when I’m told that some policy or governmental action is for the greater good. Governments rarely, if ever, do things purely for philanthropical reasons. Governments are filled with politicians. And politicians have but one goal, and that is to remain in a position of power. I wrote before about fear and how the powers that be will make sure that we are afraid. Now, I want to talk about how they’re going to make sure that we will be happy. And we will be happy as we are instructed. It’s for our own good.
Continue reading “The Greater Good”Hero-worship and politicians
Hero-worship of political leaders of all stripes is nothing new. But it is most definitely not something we should be doing. Politicians, democratic or authoritarian, are human beings just like the rest of us. Unlike Roman generals in their triumph through Rome, modern leaders don’t have a slave behind them whispering in their ear, “Remember, you are mortal.” Perhaps that custom needs to be revived for our current political leaders.
Continue reading “Hero-worship and politicians”