THE WOKE: Everyone we don’t like is a nazi. If you disagree with us about anything, you’re a nazi. That black woman? Nazi. That Jewish guy? Jewish nazi. That old guy who literally got blown up fighting nazis? Also a nazi for not agreeing with us. If you question this in any way? Nazi. And … Continue reading The Culture War is Coming For You Whether You Like it Or Not →
Source: The Culture War is Coming For You Whether You Like it Or Not
Just as you will be made to fear, you will be made to conform. Do as we say today (yes, we’ll change it all tomorrow but won’t tell you how), or we will destroy you.
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Kulturkampf is coming, the goose is getting fat,
please put a penny in an old man’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny a ha’penny will do,
if you haven’t got a ha’penny than God bless you.
It’s kulturkampf at ground zero, the button has been pressed.
The radio has let us know that this is not a test.
Yep. A tidal wave.