The Biden Administration, via Homeland Security, is creating the dystopian-themed and named Disinformation Governance Board. This should scare the crap out of all critically-thinking people. This thing proves that the Progressive Left in this country (and elsewhere… I’m looking at you, Canada) read 1984 and its Ministry of Truth as a “how-to” guide as opposed to a dire warning.
Continue reading “Could You BE Any More Totalitarian?”Friday Thoughts: Mandates
The Biden/Xiden/FICUS administration issued an Executive Order (EO) a while back saying that OSHA would make a rule that required private businesses employing 100 or more people to require their employees get vaccinated or tested weekly and wear a mask. Another EO (or maybe the same one, they all run together at this point) additionally required all health care workers in hospitals and clinics accepting Medicare/Medicaid had to be vaccinated. These came in as two separate cases to the Court. Obviously, the genius club running the White House didn’t consider the constitutional issues accompanying such orders (I’m not even going to start on what I think about EOs). Plus, they’re still going off of the “everybody has to be vaccinated or the vaccine won’t work” fallacy.
Continue reading “Friday Thoughts: Mandates”A Path Will Rise to Meet Us
The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating. – Mohandas K. Gandhi I once read an account of bullying in rural America in the early 20th century. The narrator said, “If a victim did not stand up to them, there was no limit to how far the bullies would go.” He described them tying another child to the train tracks as a train approached (on the parallel track). There was no appeasing the bullies. Each capitulation only whetted their appetite for new and crueler humiliations.
Source: A Path Will Rise to Meet Us
Read the whole thing. This is important. You cannot wait for others to resist the absolute power grab, you must stand and resist it.
Hard Power vs. Soft Power
This post is me putting on my ornery professor hat for a bit. Please note, some of this will be a quick and dirty run-down and missing many details. If, for some unknown reason, you feel compelled to go and dig through all the academic literature, I am happy to point you in that direction. I am NOT going to go into those details her and now. This is the “I’m explaining this to Aunt Martha at Thanksgiving” version.
Continue reading “Hard Power vs. Soft Power”