Silver Linings

UPDATE: I posted this right before I found out that SCOTUS said Texas had no standing to file its lawsuit. I still stand by the idea that this lawsuit is a silver lining if for no other reason it brought things out in public.

Today was a beautiful day. Temperature was mid-50s and the sun was out. I was walking home from a hair appointment when it struck me. There are silver linings to this craptastic year of 2020. Wait, wait. Hear me out. This is not just an illusion caused by the sun on my face and enjoying a beautiful day. Okay…so, why the hell do I think there are silver linings to be found for 2020? I mean aside from the obvious personal ones for some people, like babies and weddings, or adopting a pet?

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Avoiding the subject

A few days ago, Sarah Hoyt wrote a post called “Operation Swamp Fox.” In it she talked about tactics to push back, fight back, against the gaslighting and propaganda coming from the left; the media, Democrat Party, and their followers/supporters (which includes those who are going along in the hopes of being left alone, and Never Trumpers who are delusional they’re going to come out on top). I agree with Sarah’s sentiment and I resolved to start engaging in my own Swamp Fox tactics (go read her post for ideas).

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Since before the election I’ve been seeing a lot of articles, blog posts, and comments from friends regarding the “inevitability” of Trump losing this election. Those types of articles have greatly increased in the days since. People on both sides of the political divide are in the inevitability camp. The big question is why are Republicans and conservatives following this line? Of course all the strong Democrat supporters want to believe their guy won. I’d wager that those Democrats who voted for Trump (oh, yes, there were some) are in the inevitability camp. And, the Never Trumpers strongly want him to lose…not because they like Biden, but because they’re willing to cut their noses off to spite their faces.

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Odd Prompts: Week 48

Another week at More Odds Than Ends and another stand-alone prompt for me. I’m working on getting book 2 fit for my beta readers, so I’ve been focusing on that. I plan on returning to Cursebreaker as soon as I send that out. Meanwhile, please enjoy this response to a prompt from ‘nother Mike: The Amazon delivery box didn’t have a book in it. Instead, when they opened it, a small elf jumped out. I did modify it a little bitMy prompt went to Leigh Kimmel.

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Week 47 (rah!) Odd Prompt

Wow. Week More Odds Than Ends. An auspicious number for us Pomona types. 47 is our number. It carries a mysterious significance for us all. Hence the rah after the number (as in cheering for the number. Yeah, we’re weird. Deal.) So, anyway. I didn’t get a prompt sent in for this week so I stole one of the other prompts. I looked through the spare prompts but none of them really spoke to me. I ended up stealing ‘nother Mike’s prompt even though it was assigned to Leigh Kimmel. I’m pretty sure Leigh will go in an entirely different direction with it than I did. This is also another stand-alone prompt, not connected to any of my current works-in-progress. I did manage to send in a prompt for next week, so I’ve got that going for me this week. I’m surprised at how unproductive I’ve been this week. The only reason I can come up with right now is that the lack of a semester with all its rhythms is finally catching up with me. This is usually a slower week for me. The semester is winding down, by now, Tuesday evening, most students have left campus even though there are classes on Wednesday, and I’m in no mood to be hanging out on campus either.

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Week 46 of Odd Prompts

I have missed the last couple of weeks of Odd Prompts. Partly related to overall stress, partly to losing track of days. This response was due last week. I actually remembered to send in a prompt and received this one in turn from Fiona Grey: The cat and the tree were the best of friends, if an odd pair. And then, one day, the other lemon dropped. Once again, I couldn’t figure out a way to work it into Cursebreaker, so here it is in it’s solo career. On the topic of Cursebreaker, I will be working that into a full-length novel soon (as soon as I get book 2 out to beta readers…). For now though, enjoy the cat and its tree.

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Chaos, contradiction, and tigers

Several things have wandered through my field of vision this week and each one has simultaneously surprised me and confirmed my already high levels of cynicism. The first was a second lockdown and restrictions. In Philadelphia, our (incompetent) mayor has decided to do our (incompetent) governor one better and shut down all indoor dining and gyms and gatherings. Additionally saying we shouldn’t celebrate Thanksgiving. And to top it off, the PA secretary of health, Rachel Levine is saying that we all need to wear masks indoors. Yeah. Not happening. This is planned to last until January. Other governors are doing similar things…Newsom (or Noisesome) in California has instituted travel restrictions (immediately violated by him and several members of the state assembly and senate…they traveled to HI for a conference), and gathering restrictions (immediately violated by him as he traveled to Napa for a birthday dinner for a lobbyist at the French Laundry…inside). But he presumes to tell people not to celebrate Thanksgiving. As does Cuomo.

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Once more into the breach…

Okay. Obviously, I need to clarify some things for family and friends. Or at least those I have left. First of all, yes, I think there has been a great deal of vote fraud in this election. Second, no, I am not wearing a tinfoil hat. I will explain why I believe that fraud has occurred. Before I do that, I will also say that I read a great deal and a wide variety of sources. I read the NYT, WaPo, CNN, CNBC, National Review, Epoch Times, Daily Wire, NY Post, and Real Clear Politics, among a variety of blogs. So, I read across the political spectrum, which I know is not usual for many people; especially those who argue that CNN, NYT and WaPo are the only truly accurate sources. I know that some are going to claim that Epoch Times and Newsmax are “far right-wing”. Well, yeah, if by “far right wing” you mean news sources that disagree with CNN et al. The National Inquirer broke the story about John Edwards and they were correct.

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