I am enjoying my first Christmas with family in four years. I’d almost forgotten how much driving between houses there is, but it’s still fun. We spent last weekend with my cousins doing Christmas and today, some are doing a second Christmas with some of the same people, while others are with the other side of the family. We are splitting our time between my husband’s parents and siblings.
This is also the time of year for stories that warm our hearts and maybe make our eyes well up a little with happy tears. My friend and one of my writing mentors, Sarah Hoyt has written a few new Christmas stories this year and I highly recommend them to you. You can download those stories here, or read them on her blog if you can’t download. Just scroll down or search for “Christmas.”
If you don’t celebrate Christmas, enjoy a day of peace and love. We can go back to screaming about politics tomorrow. It’s Monday, after all. The perfect day for renewing our political discussions.
Merry Christmas to all!