I have read and enjoyed many fiskings of articles over the years, but I’ve never done one myself. That changes today. I ran across this article from ABC News and the stats professor in me couldn’t resist (if you’re wondering, teaching stats really makes me ornery!) There is just sooo much wrong with this garbage, it will require a paragraph by paragraph discussion and fisking. This is the kind of thing I’m talking about when I say that the sole goal of the media, when “reporting” about the WuFlu (or Republicans, or Trump, or those who disagree with Biden, or anything else) is to stoke fear and anger.
Continue reading “Fisking WuFlu “News””Bring Back the Fear!
“It’s the Delta variant! Run for your lives!” That seems to be the mantra of CNN et al, the WHO (in the pocket of the CCP), Fauci (also in the pocket of the CCP), and a number of other individuals and organizations. I am torn between exasperation – just shut UP already! – and hysterical laughter at the insanely rapid spinning that the bureaucrats, media, and politicians are going through right now. Unless you are deliberately deluding yourself, it should be clear as day by now that the entire response to WuFlu was and always will be about power – the power to control and mold society into something unrecognizable to average Americans.
Continue reading “Bring Back the Fear!”