As some of you may have read, I’ve separated my fiction writing from my political writing. I know that not everyone likes both and that some despise one or the other. Therefore, I will make sure that nobody is subjected to writing they don’t like and separate the topics. If you like my fiction writing, you can find that over on my substack page, Professor Ornery Dragon’s Substack. If you like my political writing, then you can just sit back, relax, and keep reading. If you like both, well then, thank you! And you’ll have to flip back and forth between the sites… sorry!
Continue reading “Back Into Politics”Our Manchurian President
In the original 1962 movie The Manchurian Candidate, a soldier returning from the Korean War is haunted by a nightmare that the sergeant he nominated for, and who received, the Congressional Medal of Honor, has actually killed two members of his own platoon. In fact, the sergeant has been brainwashed by the Communist Chinese (in Manchuria, hence Manchurian candidate) to be an assassin and kill on command. Turns out that the sergeant’s mother (played by Angela Lansbury) and stepfather may in fact be communist agents scheming to get the stepfather elected to the presidency so that the communists can have control of the U.S.
Continue reading “Our Manchurian President”