Freedom of Speech (Again)

Going back over my more recent blog posts, I find that I’ve been writing a lot about freedom of speech and that’s because it is, and has been for at least three or four decades, under ever-increasing assault. And the war on free speech has become far more open and vociferous over the last ten years or so. Make no mistake, “war” is the proper term here. I am a free speech absolutist.

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Censorship, Speech, and Calling the Cops

Man holding newspaper with headline the world is changing. A red censored stamp is over the newspaper.

I am very aware that people who believe they will disagree with my comments/statements/arguments will most likely not read my posts because they already know they won’t like them. However, I will continue to write posts with the aim of trying to persuade someone to rethink their political beliefs or stances. I know that many people find politics to be extremely stressful and disconnected from their day-to-day lives. However, if you do not pay attention to politics, at some point politics will start to pay attention to you, and I can guaran-damn-tee you won’t like what it does next to you, your family, and your day-to-day life. Especially in times like what we are currently experiencing.

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Cui bono? Who benefits?

I just saw the other day that Amazon Prime has pulled a movie about Clarence Thomas, the second black man to sit on the Supreme Court. They removed this movie from public access (censored it) during Black History Month. Think about that for a minute. Amazon censored a movie about the second black man to sit on the highest court in the U.S. During the month dedicated to celebrating the achievements of black people. Huh?

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Freedom of Speech by LawDog

Freedom of Speech by LawDog One of the things that has been sticking in my craw recently is the tendency of folks busy deplatforming people for Wrongthink to solemnly intone:  “Freedom of Spe…

Source: Freedom of Speech by LawDog

Reblogging from Sarah Hoyt’s page ( Read the whole thing.

A very good and brief overview of the limited restrictions on speech. In light of Congressional attempts to deplatform media outlets because Dems don’t like what they have to say, this is an important reminder.

Our freedoms are precious. We cannot allow creeping totalitarianism to erode them in the name of the greater good and attempts to create an insult-free (totally ridiculous idea) society.


Yes, Twitter is censoring the President of the United States. Yes, Apple, Google, and Amazon are censoring and engaging in monopolistic business practices against Parler. This is what’s happening. If you said “Yay! Twitter banned Trump!” you are a proponent of censorship and an opponent of free speech. Yes, you are, no matter how fast you spin in circles to justify it.

Continue reading “Censorship”