Starting 2025 – We’re Baa-ack!

man and woman standing in the front yard next to a flag wearing shirts with slogan "we're back"

2025 has started out with a bang, literally. A car bomb in Las Vegas, a truck ramming through crowds on Bourbon Street in NOLA, protests in NYC, another almost subway killing in NYC (victim survived being shoved in front of a train), and other random acts of terror and horror.

Fair warning: This is a bit of a long rant. To quote Frank Costanza: “I’ve got a lot of problems with you people, and now you’re gonna hear about it!”

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Starting 2023

It’s Sunday morning, the first day of 2023 and I’m drinking cappuccino and thinking about the day and year ahead. For the day, we’re going to a friend’s house and participating in a chili cook-off and tasting that promises to be a lot of fun. We have friends in Texas! Yay! We’ve been in Texas for just over a year now… thirteen months to be exact and every day I’m more and more convinced we made the right move. Not that I was worried it was a bad move, but every day I just feel more comfortable.

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