Let’s Talk Fascism

cat looking thoughtful with caption the definition of politics is from the Latin poli, meaning many, and tics, describing a blood sucking pest.

There is a lot of sturm und drang (storm and stress – thank you, Goethe) these days about how a Trump victory next week will usher in an era of fascism in America. In other words the left is desperately trying (and has been since 2016) to convince the American voter that a vote for Trump is a vote for a particularly nasty form of an authoritarian government. But if you ask people what exactly defines fascism, they can’t really. Oh, you’ll get all kinds of answers, but what it really boils down to when you parse out responses is “I don’t like what he says, and because I know that I am a true and moral progressive, he must be a fascist.”

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1968 All Over Again?

Person dressed as Statue of Liberty holding American flag

The 2024 Democratic Convention will be held in Chicago in August. And it’s shaping up to be a doozy of a show. Everyone on the left – media, DNC, governors, House reps, Senators – have been sounding the “please don’t run” horn to Biden. The only people not joining in the newly arising chorus are the White House staff and Biden aides. Oh, and Everybody-Must-Call-Me-DOCTOR Jill, of course. (I have a Ph.D., and yes, I told my students that they would be calling me Dr. Jones or Prof. Jones. I most emphatically did not tell the rest of the world to call me that. That’s a level of insecurity even I don’t possess.)

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