How do you do, fellow bitter, clinging, deplorable, racist, homophobic pieces of garbage?
Warning: This is a rant and thus may wander a bit. I’m annoyed, pissed off, and just now caffeinating.
Okay, then. Here we go.
I am SO tired of being told, directly and indirectly, that I need to be supporting Harris because she is a woman. I was told the same thing by Hillary Clinton supporters and campaign staff when she was running for NY senator and then for President. I clearly remember living in upstate New York when she was running for Senate and her NY campaign manager, a woman, said that women who didn’t vote for Hillary were either stupid or oppressed.
So, if you are a woman, you are not allowed to vote for a candidate based on, oh, I don’t know, policies? As women we are required to vote for the female candidate simply because we share a gender? Um, let me think about that… how about… NO. As a woman, I am most definitely allowed to use my freaking brain to decide which candidate has my best interests at the core of their policy proposals. Does supporting a candidate mean that I’m in love with them and think that the sun rises and sets on them? Of course not. It means that I think they are the better of the choices facing me.
The same goes for voting based on race or ethnicity. Let me be perfectly clear:
Unless of course you’re a man – then it goes the other way. When there is a political race between a male and a female candidate, men are required to vote for the female candidate to prove that they are not misogynistic, knuckle-dragging, potential rapists. That’s bullshit.
Really. That’s not how intelligent, thoughtful voting decisions are made. But then, the Left does not encourage intelligence nor thoughtfulness, because if they did, only the outright crazies (their base) would support them. Bullying and shaming is how we got to the point of a wide open border with no regard for who gets into this country, men competing in women’s sports, and five-year-olds being force-fed puberty blockers so their parents can receive the adulation of other parents and activists for having a “transgender” child. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy at its worst.
To require lockstep voting based on gender, or any other shared physical characteristic, is to assume that people are too stupid to understand issues that affect them and vote accordingly. It’s a bullying, arrogant, patronizing, condescending, and elitist attitude.
It’s also incredibly insulting. The people making such statements are telling you directly and indirectly that they “know” they are smarter than you. That, yes, you are garbage for daring to go against their demands and for viewing the world in a different manner.
And when veiled and not-so-veiled insults, concerned head-tilting, and smug smiles don’t deliver, the Left activists and their useful idiots move to outright bullying. Any of these statements sound familiar?
“I’m unfriending everybody who even says one nice thing about Trump.”
“All Republicans are Nazis and I’m not friends with Nazis.”
“MAGA is a cult.”
“Trump supporters are racist homophobes.”
“The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.” (no, there was no apostrophe).
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
“You can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets. They are what I would call the deplorables — you know, the racists and the haters, and the people who are drawn because they think somehow he’s going to restore an America that no longer exists.”
Notice a pattern there? Name-calling using the worst, most shameful slurs, twisting a desire for a secure border into “anti-immigrant sentiment,” and finally claiming that the America and values you support “no longer exists.” You are holding us back from the progress we could be making. Any failures of our policies are your fault. Conservatives are locked in the past and hate forward progress.
That’s what they want you to believe and act on.
Yeah, that’s ALL bullying and insults. Trying to get you to fall in line, vote lockstep, with threats of ending your friendship, your career, your personhood. My suggestion? If that’s illustrative of your “friends,” find new friends.
I saw an article this morning discussing an Axios poll that showed that 48% of Gen Z voters regularly lie to their friends about who they’re voting for. That’s really sad. The Gen Z voters lying are doing so because telling the truth would cost them friends, jobs, and careers. And, let’s be honest, the majority of those they are lying to are not Republicans.
The Left requires unthinking, lockstep voting in order to succeed. It positions itself as the arbiter of all that’s good and right and light in the world. It glues the label “progressive” onto its policies, politicians, and activists in order to prove (to themselves) that they are all in favor of moving forward from the always-heinous past. They love to frighten their followers with fears of internment camps, leaving off the inconvenient fact that the only internment camps created and run by the US government were done by a Democratic president. They are laughably claiming that Trump will put journalists who criticize him into prison camps, ignoring the fact that Steve Bannon was just released from prison for ignoring a Congressional subpoena for what he wrote. Bear in mind Eric Holder (Obama AG) and Merrick Garland (Biden AG) did the same thing and neither was punished. So, who’s bullying and putting reporters and others (Jan 6 political prisoners, praying grandmothers, anyone?) in jail?
The Left likes to claim that free speech won’t exist under Trump. But Mark Zuckerberg has testified before Congress that the Biden-Harris campaign and Administration threatened (harsher form of bullying, in case you were wondering) Meta if the company didn’t bow to the campaign’s request to throttle pro-Trump and anti-Biden/Harris posts. The same thing happened with Twitter. Now that Elon Musk owns X, the Biden/Harris Administration is threatening him with all sorts of legal action for allowing “dissenting” views to appear on the platform.
The Harris campaign is trying to destroy the “Community Notes” feature of X because it allows people to point out the raging inconsistencies and outright lies they’re posting. I mean, you can smell the desperation.
This is all bullying.
The Left requires everyone to vote as they command, i.e. by gender and race first. The Left also tells voters that if they wish to be perceived as intelligent, then they will vote for Left candidates and policies, as those are the only choices for progressive, intelligent individuals.
Essentially, the Left requires people to deny their own eyes and ears, subsume their own intelligence, and submit to bullying and public shaming.
No wonder Gen Z voters lie. I don’t blame them.
So, I say to you, my wonderful fellow pieces of garbage… GO VOTE – the way you feel is best for you.
And keep your garbage-y heads up!
There was a time when there were topics that were avoided in polite society, and nobody knew how you’d vote except your closest of friends. I think that had some benefits, but also its drawbacks. There are things to be learned from hearing points from another perspective that you might not have pondered before. Alas, such blind spots get buried under all the emotional rhetoric. I just want some peace and quiet for awhile after this.
This is beautiful. I just snoozed a “friend” on FB because he bullied everyone who didn’t agree with his opinion that Trump is a bully. Rich.
You are right. There is too much hypocrisy out there. And I believe an inability to critically think about the flaws of the democrat candidate.
The second week of November will be a telling time in our Nation; will supporters of the loosing candidate succumb to violence or will everyone reach across the aisle to help build the country?
I love how the “party of unity” has no problem with their level of divisive rhetoric. We all must advocate for unity individually and hold our politicians accountable after the election.
The problem with being reticient about your political proclivities is that then people will tell you what they really think.
Conservatives will tell you it’s a free country, do what you want and leave them alone.
Progressives will tell you that they want to put all conservatives in camps.
It’s all very illuminating, but disappointing.
Very well said. Thank you for writing this.
I recently wrote something about the one and only real argument my parents had about politics. My Dad had a minor memory lapse about who he had married and attempted to tell my mother how she should vote. Her response was, “I will vote however I want and it’s none of your business. You can vote however you want and it’s none of my business.” It was a powerful message to me. Your vote is private for a reason in this country. I wonder if these days we talk more about how each other should vote than about the policies and issues than we used to? Maybe not, maybe it’s always been like this but now technology makes it so loud and relentless, I but I do wonder. Because it’s no one else’s business how you are going to vote, or how you did vote. I personally don’t ask that question and I refuse to answer it if I am asked. You may think you know how I will vote, and that’s fine. But words matter, and will protect the privacy of how I vote and how you vote.