And So It Begins…

Trump was inaugurated on Monday. And the screaming accusations started immediately. I have a number of friends, people who I know in person and have spent enjoyable time with, who apparently have quietly ramped up their TDS to the nth degree. It’s disheartening to say the least. I had hopes (slim as those hopes may have been, many of them were already claiming they would flee the country on Sunday) that these friends would at least watch as the revelations of corrupt and incompetent behaviors were unveiled and wait to comment. But, no. They’re all in on the crazy. Starting with Melania’s outfits, Elon’s supposed “Nazi salute,” the executive orders signed by Trump, and on and on.

I’m not going to spend any time on Melania’s outfits. She looked, and always does look, amazing. I think that hat was purposefully done to hide her eyes and I thought that was a brilliant move. She took so much shit the last time around, and now she’s giving a big ol’ “Fuck you all” to the press and her detractors. I don’t blame her one bit. She’s being a lot classier about it than I would be. I’d be walking around with middle fingers flying.

Let’s look at this supposed “Nazi salute” from Musk. If you watch the actual video, you can see and hear him say “I give my heart to you” before grabbing his chest and miming throwing his heart to the audience. Is such a movement unfortunate? Probably. But it was in no way, shape, or form, a “Nazi salute.” I posted the picture below in the comments in response to a friend’s post and got a screed (which no, I didn’t read because I can predict what they’re going to say) in return. All about Musk’s history, Trump’s comments, etc. etc. Whatever. Harping on Musk’s gesture as a “Nazi salute” is a sign of desperation on the Left. They’re so determined to continue the “They’re all Nazis and fascists!” screaming that they’re grasping at straws in their efforts to gin up a general freak out.

Well, guess what? It’s not working except as mental masturbation, or perhaps a circle jerk, for them all. They make all these “deep” and “profound” comments and get each other all excited over their insights and ability to uncover the “real” motivations behind Trump, Musk, et al and absolutely fail to realize they are simply beclowning themselves. My prediction is that this will all die down in about a week or so – or whenever Rachel Maddow and the hacks at CNN regain their breath – and they’ll be desperately searching for the next inadvertent gesture or word or completely made up thing to wave around in yet another futile effort to regain some of their credibility. (Shhh! Don’t tell them they lost all credibility years ago and won’t ever regain it. They won’t believe you and besides that will take all the fun out of poking them.)

Since Monday night, stories abound about the failure and refusal of prison officials to release the J6 prisoners despite the Constitutional requirement to do so upon issuance of a Presidential pardon. Those officials are playing illegal, petty, and absolutely stupid revenge games. They are now publicly revealing themselves to be nothing more than middle school level bullies who delight in upsetting people and exercising their “power” over those whom they hold in contempt. I sincerely hope that every single one of these official bullies is held personally and criminally responsible for their failure to follow the law they so loudly proclaim to uphold. And to every single criminal justice professor who loves to wax poetic on the inequities of the criminal justice system, I have a question for you: Do you believe this is proper behavior for these officials? If so, how the hell do you justify it? If not, do you plan on publishing anything about it, or are you going to ignore it because you removed your spine long ago?

And don’t even get me started on “Trump’s a convicted felon.” We all know that those bookkeeping charges were bogus and used as a political weapon by those colluding with the Biden Administration to undermine Trump’s campaign.

Guess what, guys? That whole “convicted felon” routine just made it obvious you were all using the justice system for your own political ends. Which is the absolute opposite of what a democratic republic does. It’s especially hypocritical, and egregious for an administration touting itself as supporting the rule of law to do that. And that pissed people off.

The screaming and flailing on the part of the progressive left, and the so-called “conservatives” who backed Harris and the left, is just starting. Remember, a dying animal is often even more dangerous because it has nothing left to lose. Don’t fall for their tricks and keep refusing to play their games. If we don’t play, they can’t win.

Don’t give in.

Don’t back down.

Don’t engage.

Don’t listen.

Don’t get angry.

Keep a set of fun, triggering memes handy at all times. You never know when you’ll need them.

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6 Replies to “And So It Begins…”

  1. They’ve devalues “Nazi” and “Fascist” to the point that no one even blinks anymore, and they’ve so ruined education that young people don’t even know what those terms mean.

  2. Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them. – Alexander Solzhenitsyn (mantra he used for the guards while in the gulag)

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