It is NOT “far-right” to be outraged at evidence of the ongoing operations of rape gangs made up of primarily Pakistani men operating without consequences in blue-collar cities across the UK. Please explain to me how outrage at child rape is a “far-right problem.” I’ll wait.
The New Criterion has an excellent piece regarding the reactions and actions of the government and the press to the rape gangs operating for decades in working class cities in the UK. Supporters of British Labour Party have a lot to answer for with their choice of a current Prime Minister. Labour, I ask you, why are you so adamant about NOT investigating these crimes? Why do the lives of young girls (and boys, but mostly girls) mean so little to you? Why do you condone pedophilia? Why do you condone child rape?
If you splutter with indignation at these questions and deny with well practiced moral outrage, I will ask you, what have you said to your MP about this issue? Why have you remained silent? Why do you continue to support politicians, police, and bureaucrats who condone these horrific crimes? By not saying anything you are implicitly supporting the cover up. Splutter all you want, but for the sake of your soul, you need to locate your spine, your values, and your morals and condemn the actions of the party you claim to support. You voted for them, you are responsible for endorsing their policies and actions.
Steyn also fingers that common rhetorical strategy resorted to by bureaucrats looking for ways to take the sting out of unpleasant things they are required to report: the generous deployment of acronyms. Don’t say “gang rape” or “torture”; say you are launching an “official inquiry” into “cse,” which is bureauspeak for “child sexual exploitation.”
Editors, New Criterion
We ALL have to stop ignoring things that make us uncomfortable and confront those responsible for the crimes and even more importantly, confront those in government, law enforcement, and the bureaucracy, for colluding and covering up these horrific crimes.
Go read the piece in full, and follow the linkS therein. I will warn you, there’s some nasty stuff in those links, but we all need to know exactly what’s going on and what’s being covered up. Especially those In the UK where Starmer’s “anti-terrorist” police units are arresting citizens who speak up about the crimes and the cover up.
Britain is moving to become the hub for a combination of every dystopian novel ever written.
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3 Replies to “The Left Covers Up Crimes”
I’ve read a few articles about it over the years, but had no idea it was quite so widespread, or that law enforcement and bureaucrats had actively worked to cover up just how heinous the rapes and torture were.
They basically imported a bunch of third world people and they did third world things, which western civilization is just supposed to ignore. I think appropriate (though never going to happen) punishments should be for those responsible to have the same things done to them. Maybe having their bung-holes branded and their tongues nailed to the table will make future officials take the crimes more seriously.
I’ve read a few articles about it over the years, but had no idea it was quite so widespread, or that law enforcement and bureaucrats had actively worked to cover up just how heinous the rapes and torture were.
They basically imported a bunch of third world people and they did third world things, which western civilization is just supposed to ignore. I think appropriate (though never going to happen) punishments should be for those responsible to have the same things done to them. Maybe having their bung-holes branded and their tongues nailed to the table will make future officials take the crimes more seriously.
I like how you think with regard to an appropriate response to these predators.